Ambrick's Let's Boogie - I Got the Jazz Pedigree

Pedigree of: Ambrick's Let's Boogie - I Got the Jazz
CH Ambrick's I Got the Jazz HOF
CH Ambrick's Mr. Jazzman CD HOF ROM
CH Whiteoak Khamir Le Baron HOF ROM
Whiteoak Quant's Memoriam
Whiteoak Quintessence
CH Invermood's Call Me Madeline CD HOF ROM
CH. Bit O Luck Hitman at Invermood CDX TD HOF
CH. Bit O Luck Invermood Calling CD HOF
CH. Deeon Lady Maude O Invermood CD ROM CH Victoria's Lord Percival UD CGC ROM HOF
Am/Can CH Hidden Hills Tic Tac CDX RA HOF ROM
CH. Victoria's Charlie's Angel
CH Clarion's Delta Princess CH. Clarions Jubliant Rambler ROM
CH. Clary's Fidelity Dove ROM HOF
GCHB CH Ambrick's From Rags to Riches at Wilane DCAT GCHB CH Wilane's All We Are Is Dust On the Wind HOF Am./Can. CH Wilane's Undeniable HOF Am./Can. ROM
CH. Invermood's Gunpowder CD ROM HOF
Am./ Can. CH. Wilane's Millenia
GCH CH Wilane's Sophisticated Lady HOF
Am./Can. CH Wilane's Undeniable HOF Am./Can. ROM
CH. Starfire Last Batch of Kandi ROM
GCH CH Cashlane Shield of Three Lions
GCH CH Enchante King of Queens Von Ambrick CA BCAT ROM HOF
GCH CH Oasis Razzmatazz ROM HOF
Am.GCH CH / Can. CH. Ambrick's Tailor Made Oasis ROM HOF
GCH CH Oasis Blue Lagoon
CH Oasis Hi Jack the Show ROM HOF
CH Ambrick's Oasis Cameo ROM
Pedigree generated by

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